Remember God’s Covenant Love (Isaiah 63:7-14)

After learning about the day of God’s vengeance and year of his redemption, Isaiah calls Israel to remember God’s steadfast, covenant love. Drawing on imagery from the exodus and their time in the wilderness, Isaiah reminds Israel of all that their God had done for them, his goodness, his compassion, and his faithfulness. Israel was […]

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Wake Up to God’s Reign (Isaiah 52:1-12)

When Israel had given into the “sleep” of despair, doubt, and hopelessness, God brought them a word of comfort, calling them to wake up from their slumber to the reality of his reign. In this passage, pastor Keith gives us the remedy for our own sleep of remorse, self-doubt, and despair. and calls us wake […]

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Refreshing Reconciliation (Philemon 17-25)

To close Paul’s letter to Philemon, Paul demonstrates the love of Christ by asking Philemon to put Onesimus’ wrongs on his own account. In this sermon, Pastor Keith walks through the text from verses 17-25, showing us the Apostle Paul’s gospel-shaped steps of reconciliation: paying for the other, assuming the best of the other, and […]

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For Love’s Sake (Philemon 8-16)

In the introduction of Paul’s letter to Philemon, Paul began by acknowledging Philemon’s character and affirmed the demonstration of his faith in his love toward all the saints. He drew a picture of the family of God. And now in the main body of his letter, he shows us how to conduct ourselves in the […]

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In John 3, Jesus tells Nicodemus that, “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life” (John 3:14-15).  Right before the famous and beloved text of John 3:16 we find Jesus connecting his impending death on the […]

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Who Can Contend? (Isaiah 41:21-42:9)

In this sermon, pastor Keith walks through the text to answer the question, “Who can contend?” in two ways. First, who can contend with God? No one. Second, who can contend with this broken idolatrous world? God’s Anointed One. He answers those two questions with the two “beholds” of the text. First, “Behold, idols are […]

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The Song of Mary, part 2 (Luke 1:50-55)

In the second half the Magnificat, Mary moves to general reasons for magnifying God that not only apply to Mary but to the generations who see themselves as lowly like the mother of our Lord. So today, we transition our eyes from the Lord of Mary to the Lord of many. In this sermon, pastor […]

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The Song of Mary, part 1 (Luke 1:46-49)

For the Advent season in 2022 we are looking the songs sung by Mary, Zechariah, and the Angels which accompanied the birth of Christ. In this sermon pastor Keith considers Mary’s song, traditionally known as the Magnificat, and the personal reasons Mary had for rejoicing in God. What we will see is that God alone […]

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