In this sermon, pastor Matt continues to unpack God’s covenant with David, reminding us again that God’s gracious promises to his chosen king guarantee a glorious future for his people. And the good news is that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all these promises because he is the Son of David, the Builder of […]

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In this sermon, pastor Matt shows how God’s king brings the blessing of God’s rule to his people. This is the good news of the kingdom. And like David, we too must humble ourselves before the King of kings and recognize the place where he belongs—enthroned over our lives as the source of our joy.

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In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that God goes before his people to give them the victory through Christ. Despite relentless opposition from the enemy, we can rejoice in the gospel of his exalted king, trusting our God to always lead us in triumph until his kingdom comes on earth as in heaven

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God’s King for God’s People (2 Samuel 5:1-16)

In 2 Samuel 5, the king whom Samuel had anointed years before to replace Saul is finally recognized as the rightful king over all Israel. David, the man whom God chose for himself, after his own heart, is exalted and enthroned. As always, we’ll find that this story, like the whole story of Israel, anticipates […]

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Waiting on the Redeemer (2 Samuel 4)

For the first few chapters of 2 Samuel have described Saul’s house growing weaker (2 Sam. 3:1). As we come to chapter 4 we see even the rubble of Saul’s fallen house is swept away. However, in contrast to this foolish man who had built his house on sinking sand, we see a wise man, […]

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Vengeance Is Mine (2 Samuel 3:22-39)

When Joab learned that Abner had made peace with David, he was not happy about, and decided to take matters into his own hands. 2 Samuel 3 not only recounts the tragic death of Abner, but also reveals the stark contrast between the heart of David and the heart of Joab. In this sermon, pastor […]

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Which King Will You Serve? (2 Samuel 2:1-11)

David had been waiting patiently to receive the kingdom and the day had finally come. This is a crucial moment in the story of the Bible. Three times we read here that David was now king over the house of Judah. However, as we might expect, not all Israel was happy to receive their king. […]

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Long Live the King (2 Samuel 1:1-16)

In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds that, just like the beginning of 1 Samuel (with barren Hannah), even when all hope seems lost, death does not get the final word. The good news is that our God is in the resurrection business, and in his time and his way, his exalted king will deliver his […]

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