The following articles, essays, and statements provide much needed clarity and biblical wisdom as they address current issues relating to culture, ethics, and politics
In addition to our church’s own statements, this is a list of articles and essays on current issues written by other pastors, churches, and biblical scholars. This is not a blanket endorsement of everything written or held by the authors of these resources. These articles are simply resources we have find helpful in navigating the emotionally-charged issues of our day.
Ethics and Culture
- Four Approaches to Race, Politics, and Gender.
- Thinking Theologically About Racial Tensions: Life Together in the Church.
- A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory.
- Affirmations and Denials on Ethnic Harmony and Manhood & Womanhood written by the elders at Bethlehem Baptist Church.
- Recommended Resources on Transgender.
- “What the New Testament Teaches About Divorce and Remarriage.”
- Grounds for Divorce: Why I Now Believe There Are More Than Two, Wayne Grudem
- Is Physical Abuse Grounds for Divorce?, Jared Wilson
- In Vitro Fertilization. Why pastors and Christian couples should say ‘No’ to IVF.
- A Christian Guide to Political Engagement.
- On Church and Cultural Engagement.
- A New Christian Authoritarianism? A 9Marks journal dedicated to Christian Nationalism, Theonomy, and Magisterial Protestantism.
- For the most recent and helpful explanation of “Christian nationalism”, check out the Statement on Christian Nationalism. There is much good in this statement with which we whole-heartedly agree.
- What Is Christian Nationalism? A helpful survey and critique of the various theories of CN.
- Christian Nationalism, a book review by Peter Leithart. See also the articles by Kevin DeYoung and Neil Shenvi, and Brad Green, as well as the video by Michael Bird.
For more helpful resources on these challenging hot-button issues, check out Mere Orthodoxy, American Reformer, Carl Trueman’s column at First Things, and Christ Over All, and Evangelicals in Civic Life.