So far, David had refused to kill Saul in the cave at En-Gedi. He even refused to avenge himself against Nabal for his foolish defiance. In each test, David refused to take matters into his own hands. He chose to wait for his promised kingdom to come in God’s way and in God’s time. In […]
In this sermon, Pastor Keith traces Nabal’s foolish response to David, David’s rash response to Nabal, Abigail’s wise response to David, and David’s faithful response to Abigail to show us that God grants us restraining grace for our faithful response. By the way of contrast with David, Pastor Keith points to great David’s greater Son […]
In this sermon, pastor Harry Fujiwara (of First Baptist Church, NYC) reminds us that, when we find ourselves in a crisis, and life seems to be caving in, our cries will be met with God’s comfort. Ultimately, as we look to the savior, Jesus Christ, we will find our greatest comfort and our only hope […]
Gossip and slander is documented and condemned more than any other sin mentioned in the Bible. Of all the turmoil, tragedy, testing, and trauma David has experienced, slander seems to have caused the most distress to his mind and body. Hurtful words continue to devastate people to this day, with far-reaching and long-lasting consequences. In […]
Throughout the Bible, God’s people are presented with tests of faith. Like Adam and Eve, they have opportunities to prove their loyalty to Yahweh and receive His blessing. This brings us to 1 Samuel 24, where another king like Adam is presented with a test. In fact, in 1 Samuel 24-26 David will face three […]
In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us that the Lord meets his people with strength in their time of need. He is our helper, the upholder of our life, the one who will never leave us nor forsake us, and so we can trust in him for guidance, for assurance, and for deliverance whether in […]
The title of Psalm 52 tells us this psalm is a meditation of David “when Doeg, the Edomite, came and told Saul, ‘David has come to the house of Ahimelech.’” This psalm gives us the ending to Doeg’s story. It assures us of what awaits all those who stand against the Lord and his anointed, […]
In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that we must choose whether we will stand with Christ or against him. We will give our allegiance to either the Son that will reign or the Dragon that will rage. Yet the gospel is that in Christ there is both refuge and comfort as we await his […]
In the first half of Psalm 34 we learned to savor the goodness of our Savior. Now in the second of this psalm, pastor Keith reminds that we are to walk in the fear of the Lord once once we have tasted and seen the goodness of God. For it is only as the church […]