After reading about Saul’s plot in 1 Samuel 19—how he sent men to watch David’s house in order to kill him—we are now going to look at the psalm David wrote in response, Psalm 59. In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that our God will keep us safe in the mighty fortress of his […]
After David defeated Goliath we saw how David was becoming God’s prospering king, successful and loved by many. But he wasn’t loved by all. Saul was becoming jealous of David; he was David’s enemy continually (1 Sam. 18:29). As a result of this hatred, God’s prospering King would also become God’s persecuted King. Saul tried […]
In this sermon, pastor Keith shows us from 1 Samuel 18 that the LORD prospers His King and that there are only two relationships to this king: one of love and the other of hatred. Love and loyalty to David was shown by Jonathan and the people of Israel as they saw David prospering in […]
According to pop culture, David and Goliath is as a story of bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, of not giving up and facing your “giants.” But as great and inspiring as the story of the underdog may be, this is actually not what the biblical story of David and Goliath is about! In […]
In this sermon, pastor Matt once again shows us that God has chosen for himself a king to shepherd his people. As David enters Saul’s service, he begins to prove that he is the man of God’s choosing, the son with the Spirit of Yahweh, the king-in-waiting who will one day wear the crown. But […]
1 Samuel 16 marks a turning point in the biggest story of the Bible. Israel had demanded to have a king like all the other nations had, and God had given them just what they asked for. Saul turned out to be just like the kings of all the nations. He had no concern for […]
Samuel had delivered God’s verdict to Saul: “To obey is better than sacrifice. . . . Because you have rejected the word of Yahweh, he has also rejected you from being king” (vv. 22-23). Our passage picks up at the climax of this story. The question is, how will Saul respond? In this sermon, pastor […]
Having seen Saul’s disregard for the word of Samuel and his rash vow, we now come to Saul’s third and final “fall,” where he is rejected by God as king over Israel. In this sermon, pastor Joel encourages us to not trust in religious behaviors but remain faithful and obedient to Jesus.
In this sermon about king Saul’s foolish vow, pastor Matt shows us that apart from God’s life-giving word we are left to our own folly. To forget the Lord is to do what seems right in our eyes, to care more about our reputation, and ultimately to remain under the curse of sin. But it […]