In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that we must choose whether we will stand with Christ or against him. We will give our allegiance to either the Son that will reign or the Dragon that will rage. Yet the gospel is that in Christ there is both refuge and comfort as we await his […]
In the first half of Psalm 34 we learned to savor the goodness of our Savior. Now in the second of this psalm, pastor Keith reminds that we are to walk in the fear of the Lord once once we have tasted and seen the goodness of God. For it is only as the church […]
In this sermon on Psalm 34, pastor Keith examines David’s response to God’s deliverance from Gath and encourage us to taste and see God’s goodness by seeking God’s help, looking to God in His promises, crying out to God in prayers and fearing God by living to please Him in Christ. He shows us how […]
After hearing about David’s flight to Gath in 1 Samuel 21, we now turn to the psalm David wrote during this time, Psalm 56. In this sermon, Jared Wilson reminds us of the good news that God is for us forever in Jesus Christ, and if God is for us, who can be against us? […]
After Jonathan had exposed his father’s wicked intentions beyond all doubt, David knew it was time to go. From now until the end of the book, David will be on the run as a fugitive, as an exile. Like Israel, who escaped from Pharaoh yet had to wander through the wilderness before entering the promised […]
In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that there only two responses to the Son of God: devoted love or foolish hate. It is only those who choose Christ above all else, who swear allegiance to him and live for his kingdom, who know the blessing of his grace and peace. It’s only those who […]
After reading about Saul’s plot in 1 Samuel 19—how he sent men to watch David’s house in order to kill him—we are now going to look at the psalm David wrote in response, Psalm 59. In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that our God will keep us safe in the mighty fortress of his […]
After David defeated Goliath we saw how David was becoming God’s prospering king, successful and loved by many. But he wasn’t loved by all. Saul was becoming jealous of David; he was David’s enemy continually (1 Sam. 18:29). As a result of this hatred, God’s prospering King would also become God’s persecuted King. Saul tried […]
In this sermon, pastor Keith shows us from 1 Samuel 18 that the LORD prospers His King and that there are only two relationships to this king: one of love and the other of hatred. Love and loyalty to David was shown by Jonathan and the people of Israel as they saw David prospering in […]