A Test for God’s King (1 Samuel 24)

Throughout the Bible, God’s people are presented with tests of faith. Like Adam and Eve, they have opportunities to prove their loyalty to Yahweh and receive His blessing. This brings us to 1 Samuel 24, where another king like Adam is presented with a test. In fact, in 1 Samuel 24-26 David will face three […]

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The God Who Waits (Isaiah 30-31)

When reading the OT prophets we can often wonder: “What does any of this have to do with me?” As we hear God’s Word to his wayward people faced with the choice to be faithful to him or to reject his Word, we are reminded of who we all are by nature, who God is […]

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He Who Endures to the End, part 1 (Luke 21:5-19)

The Olivet Discourse comes at the end of a section of Luke’s gospel that began with Jesus entering Jerusalem and pronouncing judgment on the temple (Luke 19:41-44). In the final week of his earthly ministry, before his crucifixion,  he had cleansed the temple, challenged the authority of the temple leadership, pronounced woes against the scribes and […]

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