“The God of David Your Father” (Isaiah 38-39)

Isaiah - sermon series at Elmira Christian Center

In spite of humanity’s sinful rebellion and our repeated failure to trust our Maker, God has always been faithful to his promises. One promise in particular, made to King David, was that a son would come from his line who would one day reign in righteousness and restore all things in perfect peace. At the close of the first major section of Isaiah, in chapters 38-39, the spotlight is on one of David’s faithful descendants: King Hezekiah. But Isaiah is showing us here that what Israel needed, and what our sinful world needs today, is for the true Son of David to bring all God’s promises to pass. In this sermon, Pastor Matt preaches that Jesus Christ is the promised Savior and risen King who alone can truly forgive us of our sins, preserve us in our faith, and deliver us from death.