The Servant of the Lord, part 2 (Isaiah 49:7-13)

Last week, we began the next section of Isaiah 40-66. In chs. 49-55, the focus is on the servant of the Lord, who would be for Israel and for the world what Israel failed to be. He would be the one chosen by Yahweh to bring faithless Israel back to their God, ending the separation between them. And as we learned of his call, his faith, and his task, we saw that this servant was none other than Israel’s Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is where we ended last time, with the promise that God’s salvation would reach the ends of the earth. For Israel to return from exile and even be reconciled to their God was too small of a thing! God had more in store: the light of his glorious grace will illuminate the world. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us again that Jesus Christ is the faithful servant and glorious salvation of the Lord. And through his person and work, as the redeemer of Israel, God has guaranteed that his glory will be the gladness of all the nations and the joy all the earth.