The Wrath of the Lamb (Isaiah 63:1-6)

Isaiah 60-62 has been a glorious vision of Zion, which is the church descried as a city that is beautiful and radiant, liberated and fruitful, beloved and hopeful. The church is the heavenly city with its doors swung wide open for the nations to come in. Now, in Isaiah 63, we see God’s plan to judge those who refuse to come to Zion; it is the answer to the unending barrage of sin and injustice, and the apparent triumph of evil in our world.

In this sermon, pastor Mitch reminds us that Christ will come to destroy his enemies and put the world to rights. The Lamb who is our Redeemer is also our Avenger, and the day of his vengeance is ultimately for the sake of Zion and her redemption.