In Philippians, Paul writes: “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Php. 3:8). In Psalms, David writes: “I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever” (Ps. 145:1). What would compel these men to make such bold statements, such enthusiastic declarations? Moreover, what must happen for this to become the daily reality and sole testimony of the Church today? The answer is not merely discipline, being resolved to worship God only to check it off of a list of religious to-do’s. The answer is desire: a desire to continually know and behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Tim explains how a life of worship, dedicated wholly to the Lord and His glory, is only possible by seeing and savoring the goodness, the greatness, the majesty, and the ineffable splendor of our great God and King.