David continues in Psalm 139 to describe the truly awesome nature and wonderful works of our Creator God. Here we discover such beautiful truths as His omnipotence, His Providence, and His infinitude: “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand” (Ps. 139:17-18). Yet in such a beautiful, worshipful, and inspiring psalm, we find a prayer of imprecation that is often overlooked or intentionally ignored. In light of God’s transcendent greatness and holy splendor, David burns with a righteous indignation against God’s enemies, for the sake of God’s name. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle directs our gaze to the glory of God and what our response should be in a world full of His enemies, those who hate the righteous Judge, the Lord of heaven and earth, and His people: love (Rom. 12:14-21).