From Slaves to Sons (Gal. 4:1-7)

If, in our preaching, teaching, and evangelism, we declare that Jesus only came to forgive our sins, we are missing a greater and more profound reality of the gospel. Jesus Christ, both fully God and fully man, came not only for the purpose of redemption but of adoption. He came not only to pay the price of our sins but to make us new creations, adopted sons and heirs of God! Commenting on what we see in Galatians 4:1-7, Tim Keller writes, “The Son’s purpose was to secure for us the legal status of our sonship. By contrast, the Spirit’s purpose is to secure the actual experience of it.” In this sermon, Pastor Leandre explores the beautiful realities of adoption from our text, examining the contrast between slaves and sons, and explaining the work of both the Son of God and the Spirit of God in the lives of His children.