Rahab, Achan, and the True Israel of God
The contrasting stories of Rahab and Achan illustrate that only those of faith are counted as offspring of Abraham, as the true Israel of God.
The contrasting stories of Rahab and Achan illustrate that only those of faith are counted as offspring of Abraham, as the true Israel of God.
Alexander Maclaren's sermon on the name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the different aspects each name proclaims of his person and work.
Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian elders provides us with a biblical model of pastoral ministry that consists of both demonstration and declaration.
Paul's short prayer in 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 reveals that sanctification is a work of God within us that is worked out by us.
Understanding that the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments contain all the words of God that we will ever need changed my life.
Why pray if God is sovereign? Does prayer change anything? Here are five reasons why we should pray knowing that God is sovereign.
The book of Acts is about what the risen Lord Jesus accomplishes through his Spirit-empowered church in fulfillment of God's purposes for the world.
A brief look back at all God has done at ECC in 2018 and a preview of where we are headed in 2019.
The story of Christmas reminds us that believers have been set free from sin's dark night to walk in Immanuel's great light.