Kept for Judgment (Jude 5-19)

After speaking about reality of true and false believers, Jude spends the majority of his letter describing false believers that have crept in the church. He marshals all kinds of historical events, people, and predictions, and then all kinds of present behaviors, metaphors, and labels to show the true nature of these false believers. In […]

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Kept for Jesus (Jude 1-4)

We are taking another break from our series in Isaiah to jump into the New Testament and preach through the book of Jude. We will be considering the church’s task of contending for the faith once for all delivered to the saints, resisting false teachers, and persevering to the end. In this sermon, pastor Joel […]

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The Song of the Angels (Luke 2:14)

In this sermon, preached at our candlelight service, pastor Joel looks at the song of the Angels from Luke’s gospel and reminds us of the simple yet profound truth that God acts and creation reacts in praise. The true and historical account of the birth of Jesus and the supernatural events surrounding it is ultimately […]

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Having addressed matters of personal conviction in Romans chapter 14, the Apostle Paul turns his focus from correcting the contentious believers to exhorting them to pursue humility and unity. Paul reminds them of the example of Christ, the sufficiency of Scripture, the nature of God, and the welcome that every believer has into the family […]

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Dying for Justice (Jonah 4:1-11)

After realizing that God was going to spare the Ninevites in response to their faith and repentance, Jonah loses his will to live. He is so committed to the destruction of Israel’s enemies that he would rather die than see God acting according to his own character. So, as the book of Jonah comes to […]

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In this sermon, pastor Joel shows us the absolute sovereignty of God over all things and the futility of our attempts to outrun, outwit, or ignore him. But we not only see God’s sovereignty over nature in the story of Jonah but also unstoppable mercy. Despite Jonah’s disobedience and attempts to frustrate God’s plan, God’s […]

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Running From God (Jonah 1:1-6)

The story of Jonah is a story that shows us the radical mercy of God, the striking disobedience of Jonah and his resentment for God’s compassion for sinner. In this sermon, pastor Joel introduces us to the main characters in the story of Jonah and the historical setting of the book. As we consider Jonah’s […]

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