Glorious Welcoming (Romans 15:7-13)

As he concludes his exhortations to the strong and weak Christians in the church at Rome, Paul turns our attention once again to Jesus Christ, giving the church a final and conclusive plea: “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7). While at first glance this may […]

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After being hurled into the raging sea, God mercifully preserves Jonah’s life by sovereingly appointing a great sea creature to swallow him. From the belly of the fish, Jonah offers a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord from the belly of the fish, acknowledging that he had been spared from a death he deserved. In […]

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Life-Giving Wisdom (Proverbs 8:22-36)

In this sermon, pastor Keith reminds us that God created all things in wisdom and his wisdom can give us a joyful, abundant life. But this wisdom can only be found in God through Jesus Christ, who was and is God’s wisdom incarnate.

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God Is at Work, Press On (Romans 8:28-30)!

Our emotions and experiences would have us believe the lie that there is nothing good in the fiery furnace of trial. Present suffering can convince us that our lives are nothing more than broken pieces of glass, wasted and worthless. But behind the scenes, regardless of what we feel, God is putting all these pieces […]

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Many say that Romans 5:12-14 is one of the most controversial texts in the Bible. This is because there are many theological concepts and questions here that can be difficult to swallow—like the doctrine of original sin and the principle of representation. But the most important question raised by this text is rather simple and […]

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Under His Wings (Ruth 2)

In this sermon, pastor Keith shows how God’s providence and Boaz’s kindness led to Ruth’s abundance, and how Ruth serves as an example for all who ultimately take refuge under the wings of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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