2 Samuel 7 is a mountain peak of the OT. It is here that all of the promises and patterns of Scripture since Genesis 1 are gathered up and filtered into God’s covenant with David. It is here, at this mountain peak, that we find God doing what he does best: making promises and keeping […]

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Last week, we learned that David had become king and had made a wise political move to unite the tribes of Israel. He sent a winsome invitation to some of Saul’s loyal men, inviting them to serve him. Our passage today, however, doesn’t involve David at all. Rather, it follows the story of Abner and […]

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The Blessing of Hope (John 1:5)

For our 2024 Advent sermon series, we will consider the four blessings traditionally associated with each week of Advent: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace, and we will do so using the Gospel of John. In this sermon, pastor Mitch reflects on the blessing of hope from John’s gospel, where John declares that “the light shines […]

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In this sermon, as we consider Saul’s climactic fall with the medium at En-dor, pastor Mitch reminds us that the most miserable and hopeless life is the one spent apart from God’s all-sufficient word. As Christians, we must heed the warnings of this passage, see the dangers and consequences of Saul’s misguided desperation, and fix […]

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The title of Psalm 52 tells us this psalm is a meditation of David “when Doeg, the Edomite, came and told Saul, ‘David has come to the house of Ahimelech.’” This psalm gives us the ending to Doeg’s story. It assures us of what awaits all those who stand against the Lord and his anointed, […]

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The Battle Is the Lord’s (1 Samuel 17)

According to pop culture, David and Goliath is as a story of bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, of not giving up and facing your “giants.” But as great and inspiring as the story of the underdog may be, this is actually not what the biblical story of David and Goliath is about! In […]

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The Wrath of the Lamb (Isaiah 63:1-6)

Isaiah 60-62 has been a glorious vision of Zion, which is the church descried as a city that is beautiful and radiant, liberated and fruitful, beloved and hopeful. The church is the heavenly city with its doors swung wide open for the nations to come in. Now, in Isaiah 63, we see God’s plan to […]

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