In this sermon, Mitch Bedzyk looks at Isaiah 27 and reminds us God will finish what he started. All his promises of salvation and judgment will come to pass in his perfect timing, and nothing will ultimately stand in the way of his glory and the eternal happiness of those who wait for him. Note: […]

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Perfect Peace and Rest (Isaiah 26)

The idea of “waiting” is incredibly counter-cultural in our fast-paced, on-demand world. And yet, waiting is what the Christian life is all about. In this message, Mitch Bedzyk encourages us to wait with patience and joy, knowing that God will provide us with perfect peace and rest. Note: This sermon was delivered during the COVID-19 […]

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Looking to the Lord (Isaiah 17-18)

God’s people were constantly tempted to either fear the surrounding nations, or to trust them for security and prosperity. Ultimately, they were tempted to forget the Lord. For this reason, God gave messages through his prophets to reveal the judgment in store for these godless nations. In this section of Isaiah (chaps. 13-27), he takes […]

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While the first section of Isaiah (1-12) dealt primarily with the nation of Israel, the next section (13-27) focuses on God’s plan for the nations of the world. Although the prophecies found here concern the fate of ancient nations like Babylon, Tyre, Moab, and Assyria, they are still part of God’s message to his people, […]

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The Grace of God in Antioch (Acts 11:19-30)

The kingdom of God has never been just about one nation but a people from every nation. The promise to Abraham was about blessing the nations. Daniel saw the kingdom of God as a mountain filling the whole world. Isaiah saw the nations streaming into that kingdom as part of God’s people. And when Jesus […]

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Shining Like Stars (Philippians 2:14-16)

Isaiah foretold that the people who lived in darkness would one day see a great light. We didn’t ask for it; we couldn’t have imagined it; and we did not deserve it. And yet, unto us a child was born, and a Son was given. Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who came […]

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Throughout the book of Acts, Luke includes several accounts of sinners being converted to the risen Lord Jesus. Conversion is what happens when God, by his Spirit, awakens those who are spiritually dead and enables them to repent of their sins and turn to Christ in faith. Each of these stories in Acts reminds us […]

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The King and His Kingdom (Isaiah 11)

The first twelve chapters of Isaiah—with its message of righteous judgment and gracious salvation—are bound together by a common theme: the King and his kingdom. In chapter 11, we see a further vision of the Messiah, Immanuel, ruling in righteousness over the restored creation. This passage aims to lift our eyes to the day that […]

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Facing the Future with Hope (Isaiah 8:11-22)

Feelings of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and insecurity abound in our world today. It seems as though everywhere we look there is another tragic news headline reminding us just how dark this world really is. Along with the many tragedies and acts of violence we experience come conspiracy theories, finger-pointing, and growing animosity between neighbors, political […]

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