One of the questions that comes to mind when reading the final section of Acts is: “Why does Luke take so much time to get Paul to Rome?” Yet while we may not know every reason why certain passages are included in Scripture, we can know many of them. Knowing that the Bible is all […]

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The Revelation and Glory of God (Ps. 19)

Our God is a speaking God; he is a communicating God who reveals his glory in, through, and to his creation. As noted Christian apologist Francis Schaeffer put it: “He is there and He is not silent.” The apostle Paul writes that, “his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the […]

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The Offense of the Cross (Gal. 5:7-12)

Paul boldly and unapologetically preached “Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles” (1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2). Yet the Galatian false teachers had been bringing all sorts of accusation against Paul and his ministry, in addition to preaching a subtly different gospel that in fact was no gospel at all (Gal. 1:6-7). As […]

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Jesus, the True Bread from Heaven

In this sermon, Pastor Dave teaches from Exodus 16, demonstrating how Jesus is the true and better manna provided by God for our hungry souls.  From the manna being a miraculous provision despite constant grumblings, to it being a foretaste of what was to come, this chapter in Exodus sets forth many types of Christ, and gives […]

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Moses, the Deliverer

For the Jew there is probably no one greater than Moses, their great deliverer, who, through a series of great miracles, led the Israelites out of Egypt. Yet as famous as Moses was, and is, nothing can compare to the one of whom Moses was but a type – Jesus Christ. Pastor Dave walks through […]

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“Jesus In It All” – Introduction

The Bible is not merely a history book, a collection of individual stories; rather it is one story – the story of redemption.  In this overview, Pastor Dave briefly covers some of the major types of Christ found in the Word, from cover to cover, and implores us to begin to not just see Jesus […]

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