In Psalm 2:6, God declares that he has set his King on Mt. Zion despite the raging of the nations, and the Scriptures are clear that this anointed King is his only-begotten Son, Jesus. Therefore, whether our response to him is one of indifference like Pilate, contempt like Herod, or hatred like the Jews, we […]
In the Old Testament, the Messiah (or Christ) was understood to be the anointed king through whom God would establish his kingdom on earth. Israel was anxiously awaiting this coming king who would conquer his enemies and rule the nations in righteousness. Moreover, one of the distinguishing marks of this long-expected Messiah was that he […]
When asked by the Pharisees and Herodians whether or not it was lawful for Jews to pay tribute to Caesar, Jesus replied by asking whose image was engraved upon one of their coins. They answered him: “Caesar’s.” This set the stage for one of Jesus’ most famous teachings: “Render to Caesar the things that are […]
Jesus told the parable of the ten minas to the crowds, Luke explains, “because he was near to Jerusalem, and because they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately” (Luke 19:11). As we have seen throughout the Gospel of Luke, the person and work of Jesus himself was the sign that the […]
The Lord Jesus Christ is returning one day in glory to judge the world, destroy his enemies, and establish his kingdom in righteousness. But when the Son of Man comes, who will be found righteous so as to dwell in his kingdom (Luke 18:8)? This is the dilemma of fall humanity. Though many put their […]
The kingdom of God—his reign over all creatures, kingdoms, and history— is one of the central themes of the Bible. Scripture is filled with promises concerning God’s future, everlasting, unchallenged, and glorious rule. Jesus Christ, the Son of Man (Dan. 7:13-14), was the sign that God himself had come in the flesh to inaugurate the […]
One of the major themes of Jesus’ teaching, as well as the rest of Scripture, is the sharp distinction between the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God. You either belong to the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness. Your values are informed either by the world or by the truths of […]
Here at ECC, we are committed to connecting our community to Christ. While we certainly do this as individuals by preaching the gospel and loving our neighbors, making disciples of all nations is to happen through, and in the context of, the local church! Jesus said that he would build his church—a church of those who not […]
What is the church? A typical, modern-day conception of the church is that it is a building where you go to hear preaching and singing once a week (or at least on Christmas and Easter). But the question is a bit misleading. The church is not so much a what but a who. According to Scripture, the […]