Having considered Israel’s past and God’s sovereign purpose in Romans 9, and then Israel’s present situation and God’s continued patience in chapter 10, one crucial question remains: Is God done with Israel? Has he rejected his people for good? This is what Paul begins to address in chapter 11 as he focuses on Israel’s future […]

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Our God is a God of both sovereign and surprising mercy. While it’s true that he is unchanging, reliable, and faithful to perform his word, he nevertheless tends to surprise us, especially in his displays of mercy and salvation. And one of the clearest examples of this is seen in the formation of true Israel […]

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Responding to the objection of injustice regarding unconditional election (Rom. 9:14), Paul has explained that once we grasp who God is (that he is absolutely free) and what mercy is (that it is undeserved), then we will understand that God is righteous in his sovereign purposes. But a further objection is raised in Romans 9:19: […]

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Paul has been explaining in Romans 9 how God’s purpose in election guarantees the fulfillment of all his promises. But he knows that this teaching will raise some very serious objections. Insisting that salvation is solely based on God’s initiative, his decision, his purpose, his choice will cause many to ask: “How is that fair?” […]

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* The audio for this sermon is unavailable due to a technical difficulty with the recording. The following is Mitch Bedzyk’s sermon manuscript: This morning we are beginning a new sermon series through the book of Isaiah. It is the most quoted and alluded to book in NT along with the Psalms. As one of […]

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Regeneration and Renewal (Titus 3:1-7)

The Christian life is to be a life characterized by good works. These good works are anything done in faith for the good of others and the glory of God. Paul reminded Titus of this fact when he wrote that God’s grace had appeared in the person and work of Jesus Christ, “who gave himself […]

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The Sinner’s Only Plea (Luke 18:9-17)

The Lord Jesus Christ is returning one day in glory to judge the world, destroy his enemies, and establish his kingdom in righteousness. But when the Son of Man comes, who will be found righteous so as to dwell in his kingdom (Luke 18:8)? This is the dilemma of fall humanity. Though many put their […]

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Forgiveness from the Heart (Luke 6:37-45)

Continuing his teaching on how we are to treat our enemies, Jesus unfolds further what it looks like to truly love others. Those who expect others to not be judgmental, condemning, or unforgiving, yet fail to extend grace and forgiveness themselves are hypocrites. Only those who have come to know the gospel of the kingdom—of the King who […]

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