Amidst all the religions and belief systems of the world, only one is about what God himself has done for our salvation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not good advice to follow but good news to believe. For while the world says “do,” Jesus Christ says “done”; while the world says “strive”, the risen […]
In this sermon, pastor Keith looks at the paradoxical conclusion Paul reaches about the Gentiles and Jews in their pursuit of righteousness. He reminds us that Christ Jesus will either be a rock of offense to those seeking to obtain a righteousness based on their own performance, or the Rock of Ages cleft for those […]
Before explaining how the gospel is the power of God for salvation to all who believe, Paul shows why need the gospel by exposing the true condition of humanity: our false worship, our moral bankruptcy, our utter depravity, and our inexcusable guilt before God (Rom. 1:18-3:20). In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that God’s […]
Having introduced himself and his gospel to the church at Rome (Rom. 1:1-7) Paul shares his desire to visit them for mutual encouragement in the faith and to see all nations come to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord (8-15). To reach these goals, Paul knew that there was only one thing he needed to […]
When it comes to the most full, direct, comprehensive, and majestic explanation of the gospel, there is no other book in all of Scripture quite like Romans. Yet, many tend to view Romans as simply a book on doctrine, like a theology textbook. But we must understand that Romans is first a letter, written to […]
In the last major section of the book of Acts, from chapters 21-28, Luke devotes a significant amount of space to the imprisonment, court appearances, and defense speeches of the Apostle Paul. Why? Because Scripture is not only concerned with showing us Paul as missionary, church planter, and encourager of the saints, but also as […]
In this sermon on Isaiah 32-33, Pastor Matt helps us see that the answer to all of the sin, suffering, oppression, and injustice in our world is for us to behold the King, the risen Lord Jesus, in all his beauty and to see his righteous reign throughout the earth. Note: This sermon was delivered […]
Like all the prophets before him, Malachi proclaimed the glories of Jesus Christ, but he does so in a way that is easy to miss. This is not only because he is one of the prophets (who can be difficult to interpret at times) but because he goes about speaking of the advent of Christ […]
Immediately after the joy-filled promise of the Shining Son given in Isaiah 9:1-7, the prophet again turns to a message of judgment. He rehearses the many sins of which Israel was guilty in four stanzas, each concluding with the same refrain: “For all this his anger has not turned away, and his hand is stretched […]