What the Law Can and Cannot Do (Romans 7:7-12)

Having seen Paul’s defense of God’s grace in chapter six, we now see Paul defense of the law in chapter 7. He shows us that it is not the law but our sinful flesh that is to blame for our evil desires and death. In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that what the law […]

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In Romans 7, Paul will further clarify the nature of the law, God’s purpose in giving it, and how it relates to those who are now in Christ by grace through faith. And in this sermon, pastor Matt helps us see that grace releases us from the law that we might belong to and live […]

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Now that God’s righteousness has been revealed apart from the law and justification is through faith in Jesus Christ, Paul says that all boasting is ruled out. But the question must be asked: what do we do with the perfect and good law of God? In this sermon, pastor Keith reminds us that one is […]

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There Is No One Righteous (Romans 3:9-20)

In Romans 3:9-20, Paul brings his argument to a powerful conclusion to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no one righteous, charging humanity with being helplessly captive under sin, radically corrupted by sin, and therefore justly condemned. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows that the power of sin demands a redemption […]

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Our world longs to hear a word of encouragement. We want someone to come along with a message that affirms who we are, and the last thing we want to hear is a message that offends us. No one wants to be told that their beliefs are flawed, their ambitions are misguided, or that they […]

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The Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11)

The Sabbath was the seventh day of the Jewish week and was set apart by religious observances and cessation from work. The scribes and Pharisees, however, had turned the observance of the Sabbath from a delight into a heavy burden. Jesus had already proven to the scribes and Pharisees that he had divine authority to […]

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