A Mighty Fortress of Love (Psalm 59)

After reading about Saul’s plot in 1 Samuel 19—how he sent men to watch David’s house in order to kill him—we are now going to look at the psalm David wrote in response, Psalm 59. In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that our God will keep us safe in the mighty fortress of his […]

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Our Father in Heaven (Isaiah 63:15–64:12)

After the glorious visions of chapters 60–62 and the vision of God’s day of vengeance in 63:1–6, Isaiah offers a prayer of lament on behalf of Israel and their future exile. Isaiah calls attention to their crisis of separation from their covenant God and Father, and he prays for mercy. In this sermon, pastor Joel […]

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Wake Up to God’s Reign (Isaiah 52:1-12)

When Israel had given into the “sleep” of despair, doubt, and hopelessness, God brought them a word of comfort, calling them to wake up from their slumber to the reality of his reign. In this passage, pastor Keith gives us the remedy for our own sleep of remorse, self-doubt, and despair. and calls us wake […]

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Listen While You Wait (Isaiah 51:1-8)

In chapter 51, God gives a word of comfort to the faithful remnant then and the true Israel today. The servant once more calls his people, his church, to listen. It is the Lord Jesus who is speaking here to sustain the weary (50:4). It is his voice which the righteous obey (50:10). And along […]

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Isaiah 40 brings us good news of God’s comfort by showing us a stunning vision of God’s glory. And Isaiah concludes by bringing these truths to bear on God’s forgetful and doubtful people in order to give us hope. In this sermon, pastor Matt explains that the God of all comfort and unrivaled glory is […]

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