Waiting on the Redeemer (2 Samuel 4)

For the first few chapters of 2 Samuel have described Saul’s house growing weaker (2 Sam. 3:1). As we come to chapter 4 we see even the rubble of Saul’s fallen house is swept away. However, in contrast to this foolish man who had built his house on sinking sand, we see a wise man, who is building his house on the solid rock. King David chooses to trust in the Lord his God, banking on Yahweh’s deliverance at every step of the way. Despite the paws of lions and bears, the threats of giants, the plots of Saul, the hands of the Philistines, and all the schemes of Abner and Joab, David was faithful. He lived all of life waiting on the Redeemer.

In this sermon pastor Matt reminds us that our sovereign God is faithful to redeem his people out of every adversity. Instead of taking matters into our own hands, we must wait on the Lord, trusting he will deliver us, establish his kingdom, and bring all of his promises to pass