What Yahweh Has Given (1 Samuel 13:15 – 14:23)

In the story of Saul’s faul we were introduced to a certain man named Jonathan who “defeated the garrison [outpost] of the Philistines that was at Geba.” We now learn in chapter 14 that this is Saul’s son. And while he would not be the next king, he proves to be a better man than his father—more strong, courageous, faithful, and fearless. Like Saul, he points us to the faithful king we need. He does this, however, not by his failures as a leader, but by his extraordinary example of faith in God. Jonathan’s name means “Yahweh has given,” and in this story we see just what Yahweh has given for us and our salvation.

In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us of the simple gospel truth that God gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the pioneer of our salvation, the leader who has made the way for faithless and fearful sinners like us to be raised to walk in newness of life and fight the good fight of faith as we follow him.