In this sermon, pastor Matt once again shows us that God has chosen for himself a king to shepherd his people. As David enters Saul’s service, he begins to prove that he is the man of God’s choosing, the son with the Spirit of Yahweh, the king-in-waiting who will one day wear the crown. But […]
In the story of Saul’s faul we were introduced to a certain man named Jonathan who “defeated the garrison [outpost] of the Philistines that was at Geba.” We now learn in chapter 14 that this is Saul’s son. And while he would not be the next king, he proves to be a better man than […]
At the end of chapter 11, Samuel summoned Israel to Gilgal to “renew the kingdom” (v. 14). Here, at the transition from the last of Israel’s judges to the first of their kings, Samuel will call them all to a renewed allegiance to Israel’s true and everlasting King. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us […]
After learning about the day of God’s vengeance and year of his redemption, Isaiah calls Israel to remember God’s steadfast, covenant love. Drawing on imagery from the exodus and their time in the wilderness, Isaiah reminds Israel of all that their God had done for them, his goodness, his compassion, and his faithfulness. Israel was […]
Isaiah 49 begins with a portrait of the faithful servant of the Lord who would bring Israel back to God and be a light to the nations. Verses 1-13 describe the redemption that would take place soon (in Israel’s return from exile), eventually (by the work of Christ), and ultimately (in the new creation). But […]
While Mary sang her “Magnificat,” Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, sings his “Benedictus.” The birth of John causes Zechariah to bless God for the birth of Jesus. Why? Because John’s birth was a sign of the Messiah’s advent. In other words, even in his birth, John was pointing to the Lamb of God. […]
As Paul begins Romans 9, he is grieved because the large majority of his fellow Jews have failed to respond to the gospel with faith. But his ultimate concern is God’s faithfulness to his promises. If Israel is “accursed and cut off from Christ” (Rom. 9:3), then have God’s purposes for them been frustrated? Paul’s […]
When we face the inevitable suffering that the righteous will face (Ps. 34:19), when sorrows like sea billows roll, when it seems like all we know is the frowning and bitter providence of God, how should we respond? In this sermon, pastor Mitch looks at the responses of Naomi and Ruth to the devastating crisis […]
In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us that in Christ, God has proven true to his promises of salvation and judgment.