On February 7th, Lord willing, we will be resuming our Line by Line Sunday class, picking up where we left off in the capstone of Scripture, The Revelation given to John. In a previous post, I gave an introduction to the book of Revelation, which included several helpful resources. However, since it’s been a while, I wanted to provide additional resources to help us as we prepare to dive back in to our study. The following videos feature some of my favorite biblical scholars and theologians discussing various features of John’s Revelation.
A Must-Watch Video Series
Peter Leithart has an excellent YouTube channel with a playlist of videos on Revelation. Peter Leithart is the president of the Theopolis Institute and a brilliant pastor-scholar who has played a pivotal role in my own love for and understanding of Scripture, particularly the book of Revelation. His two-volume commentary on Revelation, though expensive, is worth every penny, and one of the best books on Scripture I have ever read.
On Reading Revelation and the Mark of the Beast
In these two videos, Dr. Alastair Roberts discusses the different approaches to interpreting Revelation as well as what the Mark of the Beast is all about. I cannot recommend Alastair’s work highly enough and would encourage you to check out his website and podcast.
For another helpful discussion of this fascinating, and almost always misunderstood subject, check out this interview with Tom Schreiner on the Mark of the Beast
A Discussion of Revelation and the Millenium
The following video is an interview with two excellent evangelical scholars, G.K. Beale and Thomas Schreiner, on the thorny topic of the millenium (Rev. 20:1-6) and the differences between the historic premillenial and amillenial positions. What is particuarly encouraging is how Tom Schreiner discusses his own wrestling with the text, how he has changed his position quite a few times, and how he still is open to further improvement in his understanding of Scripture. His humility and irenic disposition is refreshing and well-worth imitating.
More Articles and Resources
As if all those resources weren’t enough to keep you busy diving into God’s word, here are three more:
- This academic article explaining a preterist-idealist understanding of Revelation provides an excellent overview of the “position” we take on the interpretation of the book.
- BibleProject has provided several helpful videos on Revelation that are, as always, worth checking out.
- The Gospel Coaltion has freely provided onlines courses for the book of Revelation that would be a great supplement to our own study in our Line by Line Sunday Class.

Mitch Bedzyk serves as a pastor Emmanuel Community Church, overseeing music and Sunday Classes. He received his Master of Theological Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and works in IT for the NY Office of Mental Health. He and his wife, Sarah, have five children: Kya, Khalli, Oliver, Amelia, and Micah. In his spare time he enjoys reading, coffee, guitar, being an MLS fanatic and playing fantasy soccer.