J.C. Ryle on the Remedy for Sin
J.C. Ryle on the remedy for sin provided for us in the salvation that is in Jesus Christ.
Ordinary Christianity in a Radical, “Next Big Thing” Age
In an age where Christians are obsessed with restlessly searching for the Next Big Thing, ordinary Christianity is the new radical.
Paul in Ephesus: A Biblical Model of Pastoral Ministry
Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian elders provides us with a biblical model of pastoral ministry that consists of both demonstration and declaration.
Spiritual Gifts: What are Words of Wisdom and Knowledge?
Tom Schreiner presents a compelling and biblical case for understanding words of wisdom and knowledge to be referring to the gift of teaching.
God’s Preserving Grace
Paul's short prayer in 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 reveals that sanctification is a work of God within us that is worked out by us.
Life-Changing Verses | Acts 1:8 and the Power to Witness
According to Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit promised in Acts 1:8 is given to the church primarily for the task of witnessing.
The Sufficiency of Scripture
Understanding that the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments contain all the words of God that we will ever need changed my life.
Why Pray If God Is Sovereign?
Why pray if God is sovereign? Does prayer change anything? Here are five reasons why we should pray knowing that God is sovereign.
The Book of Acts: Sermon Series Overview
The book of Acts is about what the risen Lord Jesus accomplishes through his Spirit-empowered church in fulfillment of God's purposes for the world.