Qualified, Delivered, and Redeemed
In order to walk worthy of Christ, we must constantly give thanks to God, who has graciously qualified, delivered, and redeemed us.
In order to walk worthy of Christ, we must constantly give thanks to God, who has graciously qualified, delivered, and redeemed us.
While we should expect and attempt great things for God, there are several glaring problems and potential dangers with Power Evangelism.
The danger with Lifestyle Evangelism is that Christ-like living and acts of service can often replace the verbal sharing of the gospel.
Discipleship and worship are the means by which our lives are reoriented around God's kingdom and our hearts are recalibrated and tuned to sing God's grace.
The speeches in the book of Acts are representative of the early church’s gospel witness and serve as a pattern for our evangelism today.
In an age where Christians are obsessed with restlessly searching for the Next Big Thing, ordinary Christianity is the new radical.
According to Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit promised in Acts 1:8 is given to the church primarily for the task of witnessing.
Understanding that the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments contain all the words of God that we will ever need changed my life.
The story of Christmas reminds us that believers have been set free from sin's dark night to walk in Immanuel's great light.