Advent: Longing for the Coming of the Lord
While Advent is a time to celebrate his birth, it is primarily a time of waiting in hopeful expectation for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
While Advent is a time to celebrate his birth, it is primarily a time of waiting in hopeful expectation for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thabiti Anyabwile's short and helpful book "What is a Healthy Church Member?" presents ten marks that characterize healthy and faithful church members.
God's will is often assumed to be hidden and difficult to discern. However, Scripture clearly tells us that God's will for us is to be holy and thankful.
The Apostle John reminds believers living in the last days of the safeguards that we have against false teachers: The Word and the Spirit.
Social media in our distracted age can heap burdens on us that we were never meant to bear and can keep us from the burdens we ought to bear.
Churches that assume the gospel offer a palatable, inoffensive, and powerless message and ultimately fail to carry out the Great Commission.
Catechisms are an effective way for parents to do their part in teaching their children the basic truths about God and his gospel.
The city of Jerusalem features prominently in Luke's gospel and serves as a warning against the subtle but serious sin of presumption.
Our testimony can often replace actually sharing the gospel. But sharing your testimony, in and of itself, doesn't necessarily constitute evangelism.