The God Who Is for You (Psalm 56)

After hearing about David’s flight to Gath in 1 Samuel 21, we now turn to the psalm David wrote during this time, Psalm 56. In this sermon, Jared Wilson reminds us of the good news that God is for us forever in Jesus Christ, and if God is for us, who can be against us? […]

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“Awake, Awake!” (Isaiah 51:9-23)

For this Lord’s Day, we were pleased to have Joe and Sierah Pliska with us from Landmark Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. The Pliskas are preparing to serve as missionaries in Japan and Joe was able to share their plans for gospel ministry with our congregation and preach on the next passage in our Isaiah […]

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One of the constant dangers that Christians face is believing that the gospel which they received is not enough for them. This can cause us to move beyond Christ in order to gain some sort of deeper spiritual knowledge or greater fulness of God through a spiritual growth program not rooted in Christ. In this […]

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The Seduction of Power (Proverbs 21)

In this sermon, our guest preacher, pastor Reid Ferguson of the Evangelical Church of Fairport, provides us with a biblical understanding of power from Proverbs 21 and exposes the danger of the lust for power in this present age. What we will discover is that there is nothing more countercultural than not needing or seeking […]

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