Raging Against the King (Luke 23:1-12)

In Psalm 2:6, God declares that he has set his King on Mt. Zion despite the raging of the nations, and the Scriptures are clear that this anointed King is his only-begotten Son, Jesus. Therefore, whether our response to him is one of indifference like Pilate, contempt like Herod, or hatred like the Jews, we […]

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The Trial of the Son of God (Luke 22:63-71)

The four Gospels—according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are not just ancient biographies of the man Jesus of Nazareth; they’re what we might call theological biographies. They are inspired accounts that ultimately tell us something about God and his purposes in redemptive history. Specifically, they were written to declare that Jesus is the Christ, the Son […]

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In Agony He Prayed (Luke 22:39-46)

In order for Christians to faithfully follow Christ in this world, they need to be strengthened by God. Paul prayed that the Colossians would be “strengthened with all power, according to [God’s] glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy” (Col. 1:11).  One of the most simple yet profoundly overlooked means of receiving such […]

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On the evening before his crucifixion, the true Passover Lamb was surrounded by the most wretched and pathetic of company. One of his disciples was about to betray him; another would deny him three times before morning; and all of them, his friends, would abandon him. Jesus nevertheless continues to love them, encouraging and preparing […]

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On the evening before his crucifixion, the true Passover Lamb was surrounded by the most wretched and pathetic of company. One of his disciples was about to betray him; another would deny him three times before morning; and all of them, his friends, would abandon him. Yet despite their pride, their selfish ambition, their failures, […]

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Judas and the Roaring Lion (Luke 22:1-6)

As the Passover drew near, the chief priests and the scribes were plotting to destroy Jesus. But most tragic of all, “Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot,” who decided to betray him (Luke 22:3-4). Judas, being disillusioned and disappointed by Jesus, being controlled by the love of money the cares of this world, and being […]

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He Who Endures to the End, part 2 (Luke 21:20-38)

The Olivet Discourse comes at the end of a section of Luke’s gospel that began with Jesus entering Jerusalem and pronouncing judgment on the temple (Luke 19:41-44). In this teaching, Jesus is speaking directly to his disciples primarily about the the future fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple. He calls them to […]

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He Who Endures to the End, part 1 (Luke 21:5-19)

The Olivet Discourse comes at the end of a section of Luke’s gospel that began with Jesus entering Jerusalem and pronouncing judgment on the temple (Luke 19:41-44). In the final week of his earthly ministry, before his crucifixion,  he had cleansed the temple, challenged the authority of the temple leadership, pronounced woes against the scribes and […]

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A Home That Remembers the Lord (Ps. 78:1-8)

Psalm 78 demonstrates that, from Moses to David, Israel repeatedly failed to believe God. Despite his abundant mercy and grace, they failed to trust his saving power, to keep the covenant, and to obey his law. And one of the fundamental causes behind Israel’s constant sin and rebellion was that they forgot the Lord their […]

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