Zion, Radiant and Beautiful (Isaiah 60)

At the end of chapter 59 we read how the Lord Yahweh himself would come to save his people, securing both worldwide and eternal results. This promise was fulfilled when Jesus Christ came in the armor of God to redeem us from sin and establish a new covenant in his blood. What follows now in […]

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A Redeemer Will Come to Zion (Isaiah 59:14-21)

One of the greatest and most comforting themes of Israel’s history is that the Lord fights for his people. The good news is that God does for them what they cannot do for themselves. And this is what Isaiah 59 is all about. In the first half of the chapter we have Israel’s lament over […]

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Bringing Sin Into the Light (Isaiah 59:1-13)

Since we started the final section of Isaiah (56-66) we have seen Israel’s failure and inability to produce the righteousness which God requires. After highlighting Israel’s irresponsible and corrupt leaders; their idolatry, and their hypocrisy. we now have a summary of Israel’s sinful condition seen in their social injustice. The fact that God confronts Israel […]

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Religion That Pleases the Lord (Isaiah 58)

In Isaiah 57 we learned that God delights to draw near to the contrite and lowly, to those who recognize their great need, who mourn over their sinfulness. But in chapter 58 we find that there is a way to look humble and repentant on the outside yet remain unrepentant on the inside. In other […]

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In Isaiah 57:13 we saw the promise that those who put their hope in God will find the peace and security they seek, and belong to the place where he dwells. For the rest of the chapter, Isaiah reveals how this is possible from God’s perspective and ours. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us […]

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The God Who Gathers the Outcast (Isaiah 56:1-8)

Isaiah 56-66, the last section of the book, holds forth a vision of the kingdom of God—a kingdom that is both now and not yet—calling us to a life of faith that is centered on Christ and bears witness to his saving rule. In this sermon, pastor Matt helps us see that God’s grace gathers […]

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In Isaiah 55 we are invited to know the comfort of God promised since Isaiah 40. It’s an invitation to enter the kingdom of his faithful servant and beloved Son, Jesus. It’s a summons to acknowledge his rightful rule, to come to him and live! And the call to the thirsty to “come to the […]

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Come to Jesus and Live, part 1 (Isaiah 55:1-5)

Isaiah 55 is the last chapter of this section of Isaiah that has been focused on the servant of the Lord (Isa. 49-55). We’ve seen how, through the sacrifice and exaltation of Jesus, God in Christ has made the way for sinners to be brought under the reign of his grace. Now, having just described […]

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