2 Samuel 7 is a mountain peak of the OT. It is here that all of the promises and patterns of Scripture since Genesis 1 are gathered up and filtered into God’s covenant with David. It is here, at this mountain peak, that we find God doing what he does best: making promises and keeping […]

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To the Victor Go the Spoils (1 Samuel 30)

In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds of our blessed assurance: that God’s king has won the battle that we might get the blessing. David shows us the kind of king that we need, one who is merciful and mighty, who takes the lead in faithfulness and generosity, who works salvation and reigns in grace.

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In Isaiah 42, we’ve heard how the servant of the Lord would bring justice and light to the nations so that God’s praise might fill the earth. But this wasn’t currently happening. And not only were all nations not singing praise to God, even his people Israel had failed to do this. So now, Isaiah […]

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Before he concludes his greetings, Paul changes course to give a few final words of exhortation to the saints in Rome. His love for the church leads to a desire to protect the church from threats that could undermine their unity. Like the Lord Jesus in his high priestly prayer, he wants to see the […]

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The Word of Him Who Calls (Romans 9:6-13)

As Paul begins Romans 9, he is grieved because the large majority of his fellow Jews have failed to respond to the gospel with faith. But his ultimate concern is God’s faithfulness to his promises. If Israel is “accursed and cut off from Christ” (Rom. 9:3), then have God’s purposes for them been frustrated? Paul’s […]

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Sin’s Wages and God’s Gift (Romans 6:20-23)

  In the final verses of Romans 6 the apostle Paul focuses on the outcomes living as slaves of sin and slaves of God in order to encourage the church, contrasting sin’s wages of death with God’s free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us that only those […]

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Under His Wings (Ruth 2)

In this sermon, pastor Keith shows how God’s providence and Boaz’s kindness led to Ruth’s abundance, and how Ruth serves as an example for all who ultimately take refuge under the wings of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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