In this sermon, pastor Matt shows how God’s king brings the blessing of God’s rule to his people. This is the good news of the kingdom. And like David, we too must humble ourselves before the King of kings and recognize the place where he belongs—enthroned over our lives as the source of our joy.

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Religion That Pleases the Lord (Isaiah 58)

In Isaiah 57 we learned that God delights to draw near to the contrite and lowly, to those who recognize their great need, who mourn over their sinfulness. But in chapter 58 we find that there is a way to look humble and repentant on the outside yet remain unrepentant on the inside. In other […]

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In Isaiah 57:13 we saw the promise that those who put their hope in God will find the peace and security they seek, and belong to the place where he dwells. For the rest of the chapter, Isaiah reveals how this is possible from God’s perspective and ours. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us […]

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Having just taught that Christians are members of Christ’s body, and encouraging the church to use their grace-gifts in humble service, Paul shows them “a still more excellent way” (1 Cor. 12:31). In this sermon, Pastor Matt shows how love is the indispensable mark of the new humanity created in Christ Jesus. For the love […]

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This week we are taking a break from our sermon series through Isaiah and looking at Paul’s letter to Titus, specifically our conduct toward governing authorities and humanity in general. In this sermon, Pastor Matt calls the church to commend Christ our King to the world as we adorn the gospel of grace which we […]

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While the first section of Isaiah (1-12) dealt primarily with the nation of Israel, the next section (13-27) focuses on God’s plan for the nations of the world. Although the prophecies found here concern the fate of ancient nations like Babylon, Tyre, Moab, and Assyria, they are still part of God’s message to his people, […]

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Only One Will Be Exalted (Isaiah 2:6-4:1)

Ever since the Fall and the entrance of sin into the world, pride has characterized the heart of man. We refuse to submit to God’s rule and continue to believe the lie that we must exalt ourselves to find true joy and fulfillment in life. The prophets were sent to expose the various sins produced […]

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Obedience unto Death (Phil. 2:8)

All throughout the Old Testament, we read of the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. We also repeatedly see the failures of God’s people to uphold the law, maintain covenant faithfulness, and walk in obedience to their God. To answer the Psalmist, no one could ever ascend or dwell upon the hill of […]

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