In this sermon, Pastor Keith examines David’s failed attempt to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, during which Uzzah, having disregarded God’s holiness, is struck down for touching the untouchable. Pastor Keith argues that our Holy God must be approached according to His way and points out that God faithfully provided the way […]

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The Glory of the Holy One (Isaiah 66:15-24)

In our last sermon for our series through Isaiah, pastor Matt reminds us that God will make his glory known to all nations in salvation and judgment. Through the gospel, the Holy One of Israel is gathering a worldwide people to worship him forever, but those who persist in rebellion against him and his Christ […]

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The Wrath of the Lamb (Isaiah 63:1-6)

Isaiah 60-62 has been a glorious vision of Zion, which is the church descried as a city that is beautiful and radiant, liberated and fruitful, beloved and hopeful. The church is the heavenly city with its doors swung wide open for the nations to come in. Now, in Isaiah 63, we see God’s plan to […]

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Kept for Judgment (Jude 5-19)

After speaking about reality of true and false believers, Jude spends the majority of his letter describing false believers that have crept in the church. He marshals all kinds of historical events, people, and predictions, and then all kinds of present behaviors, metaphors, and labels to show the true nature of these false believers. In […]

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“Awake, Awake!” (Isaiah 51:9-23)

For this Lord’s Day, we were pleased to have Joe and Sierah Pliska with us from Landmark Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. The Pliskas are preparing to serve as missionaries in Japan and Joe was able to share their plans for gospel ministry with our congregation and preach on the next passage in our Isaiah […]

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There Is No One Righteous (Romans 3:9-20)

In Romans 3:9-20, Paul brings his argument to a powerful conclusion to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no one righteous, charging humanity with being helplessly captive under sin, radically corrupted by sin, and therefore justly condemned. In this sermon, pastor Matt shows that the power of sin demands a redemption […]

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In this sermon, pastor Matt shows us how God’s righteous judgment on the last day will reveal whether or not we lived for Christ and his kingdom and willl expose what was the object of our faith, the deepest desire of our heart, our hope in life and death.

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Before explaining how the gospel is the power of God for salvation to all who believe, Paul shows why need the gospel by exposing the true condition of humanity: our false worship, our moral bankruptcy, our utter depravity, and our inexcusable guilt before God (Rom. 1:18-3:20). In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that God’s […]

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