The God Who Is for You (Psalm 56)

After hearing about David’s flight to Gath in 1 Samuel 21, we now turn to the psalm David wrote during this time, Psalm 56. In this sermon, Jared Wilson reminds us of the good news that God is for us forever in Jesus Christ, and if God is for us, who can be against us? […]

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The God Who Makes All Things New (65:17-25)

What is the Christian’s hope? For most people today, the answer goes something like this: “We get to go to heaven when we die.” Many times, this is the final destination of the so-called “Romans’ road.” But this is not the Christian’s hope. The Christian’s hope is the day of resurrection and the life of […]

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The Savior of the World (Isaiah 45:14-25)

We’ve been working through the second half of the book of Isaiah, where we find God’s word of comfort to his people who would one day be exiled in Babylon. In chapter 45 we saw God name Cyrus, King of Persia, as the one who would set them free and even help them rebuild Jerusalem […]

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Amidst all the religions and belief systems of the world, only one is about what God himself has done for our salvation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not good advice to follow but good news to believe. For while the world says “do,” Jesus Christ says “done”; while the world says “strive”, the risen […]

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The Life-Giving Spirit of God (Romans 8:5-11)

Christ not only died and rose again to redeem us from the curse of the law. He did so (v. 4): “in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” This is the focus of the next part […]

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Romans 6:1-5 gave us an introduction to the believer’s union with Christ in his death and his life. Now, in verses 6-11, pastor Matt looks at the apostle Paul’s explanation of this reality in order to convince us beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can be dead to sin and alive to God […]

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King of the Nations (Romans 1:5-7)

At the center of all human history stands the risen Lord Jesus. His resurrection from the dead is, without a doubt, the single most significant event that has ever occurred in the story of our world. And both his cross and his empty tomb concern the entire world—every nation and all creation. God’s gospel, the […]

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The Good News of God’s Son (Romans 1:1-4)

In the book of Romans, Paul is seeking to unify the church at Rome around his gospel and to enlist their support for his future mission to Spain. To do this, he has to introduce himself and his gospel, which he calls “the gospel of God.” He does all of this in the introduction of […]

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