Behold, God Is my Helper (Psalm 54)

Psalm 54 was written by David when he was betrayed by the Ziphites. Twice these kinsmen from Judah betrayed him to Saul (1 Sam. 23:19; 26:1), but this was David’s response. In this sermon, pastor Matt helps us see the reassuring truth that God is gracious and faithful to help his troubled people. We can […]

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The title of Psalm 52 tells us this psalm is a meditation of David “when Doeg, the Edomite, came and told Saul, ‘David has come to the house of Ahimelech.’” This psalm gives us the ending to Doeg’s story. It assures us of what awaits all those who stand against the Lord and his anointed, […]

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The God Who Is for You (Psalm 56)

After hearing about David’s flight to Gath in 1 Samuel 21, we now turn to the psalm David wrote during this time, Psalm 56. In this sermon, Jared Wilson reminds us of the good news that God is for us forever in Jesus Christ, and if God is for us, who can be against us? […]

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As the book of Ruth begins we are immediately confronted with famine, death, and loss. In light of this suffering, the question that naturally arises is, “Where is God?” In this sermon, pastor Joel considers the introduction to Ruth and reminds us that God is sovereign over it all, and working all things for the […]

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One of the questions that comes to mind when reading the final section of Acts is: “Why does Luke take so much time to get Paul to Rome?” Yet while we may not know every reason why certain passages are included in Scripture, we can know many of them. Knowing that the Bible is all […]

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All of Scripture testifies to the fact that behind every circumstance—behind every action and even the smallest of our daily activities—our God is working to unite all things in Jesus Christ, all for the good of his people and the glory of his holy name. This is the doctrine of providence, a work of love […]

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Problems and Providence (Acts 15:36-16:10)

Whether in the church, in ministry, or in everyday life, we seem to always encounter problem after problem. We’re often left wondering what God could possibly be doing in all our difficulties and trials. The early church wasn’t without its share of problems either, yet Luke recorded them under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit […]

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* The audio for this sermon is unavailable due to a technical difficulty with the recording. The following is Pastor Matt’s sermon manuscript: All of us love a good story. We love stories about epic challenges between good and evil, ultimate showdowns between the weak and the strong, and thrilling contests with an unlikely hero. […]

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Our Trust Is in the Lord (Isaiah 28-29)

In this sermon, Pastor Matt shows us five reasons why the Lord our God is supremely trustworthy. When our trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ, we will find him to be our glorious crown, our perfect rest, our sure foundation, our mighty defender, and our gracious redeemer. Note: This sermon was delivered during the […]

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