Another Test for God’s King (1 Samuel 26)

So far, David had refused to kill Saul in the cave at En-Gedi. He even refused to avenge himself against Nabal for his foolish defiance. In each test, David refused to take matters into his own hands. He chose to wait for his promised kingdom to come in God’s way and in God’s time. In 1 Samuel 26, we’ll learn once more that we too must wait for God’s kingdom to come in his way and his time. But we don’t just learn that we must wait; we learn how we must wait.

In this sermon, pastor Matt reminds us that we must wait for God’s kingdom to come in righteousness and faithfulness. Those who put their hope in God are to walk in step with the truth of his gospel, as citizens of heaven now, knowing that he is faithful and just to reward us with his promised salvation.