“Risen in Him”: The Resurrection of Jesus and Our Salvation
Because of our union with the risen Christ, we not only share in his death but also in his resurrection from the dead.
Because of our union with the risen Christ, we not only share in his death but also in his resurrection from the dead.
An essay on the preservation and the perseverance of the saints.
If revelation and redemption are connected to and culminate in Jesus, the question we need to ask it not whether God speaks, but how he speaks today.
To confess that the cross primarily reveals our value to God is a false doctrine that undermines the good news of God's glorious grace.
In an ironic twist, the words of the Pharisees were actually true— it was precisely because Jesus came to save others that he could not save himself.
In order to walk worthy of Christ, we must constantly give thanks to God, who has graciously qualified, delivered, and redeemed us.
In his book, "Rediscovering the Holy Spirit," Michael Horton shows how the Spirit is God's perfecting presence in creation, redemption, and everyday life
Paul's short prayer in 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 reveals that sanctification is a work of God within us that is worked out by us.
As we look at what our union with Christ entails, we quickly discover there are many helpful terms and images used in Scripture describe this incredible, unsearchable reality.