How Do We Honor Our Father and Mother?
In order to understand the significance of the command to honor our father and mother and what it looks like, we must ask the question, How do we honor God?
Sanctuary Renovation Project (Spring 2020)
In February 2020 we will be launching a sanctuary renovation project to make several much-needed improvements to our church's sanctuary.
Encouragement: An Antidote for Unbelief
One of the simplest, most effective antidotes for doubt and unbelief in the Christian life is encouragement that comes from the Scriptures.
When Darkness Will Be No More (Revelation 22)
We can endure this present darkness with joy and gratitude because we know the Lord Jesus will return and dispel the darkness and bring us into his light.
Looking Ahead: A Preview of 2020
Here is both a recap of 2019 and a preview of what’s to come, Lord willing, in 2020 at ECC.
Coffee, Joy, and the Goodness of God
God commands joy, delight, and thanksgiving in the things of earth he has graciously given us, even in something as simple as a cup of coffee.
A Portrait of a Spirit-Filled Church
There is no better place to see what a "Spirit-filled" church looks like than to look at the results of the Holy Spirit being poured out at Pentecost.
Bible Reading Plans
A curated list of Bible reading plans to help you grow in your knowledge of and love for God's Word.
Church Growth: Business or Biblical Metrics?
Rather than focusing on numerical growth, let's remember what true, biblical church growth looks like and what metrics we ought to be concerned with.