In addition to our Statement of Faith and Theological Distinctives, these statements and articles serve to bring further clarification to our church’s stance regarding various biblical, theological, and cultural issues which are pertinent to our local ministry context.

Christian Life

The following are papers presented by our pastors for the Reformation Society of Western New York.

destruction of Jerusalem in ad 70

The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Vindication of the Son of Man

A paper arguing that the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 is a theologically significant event in redemptive history that is foundational to New Testament eschatology.

Social Media, Scripture, and the Local Church

Social Media, Scripture, and the Local Church

A paper surveying the dysfunctions and (de)formative power of social media, and how the church must respond.

Righteous Deception

Righteous Deception

Righteous deception is an expression of shrewdness employed by God’s people for God’s covenant purposes.

justification by faith and judgment according to works

A Bride Prepared: Justification by Faith and Judgment According to Works

A paper exploring the relationship between our justification by faith and the future judgment of works.

For more resources, written by other pastors, churches, and biblical scholars that we have found helpful on contemporary issues facing the church today, check out our Current Issues page.