In this sermon series, we’ve looked at how we strive to fulfill the Great Commission here at ECC. This series so far has been about who we are—how we’re governed and how we live as a local church. We started with how the gospel produces a gospel order; it creates local churches. We explained that […]

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In the book of Acts, we see the early church marked by a joyful devotion to doctrine, to fellowship, and to prayer. In this sermon, Pastor Matt describes the gospel culture we aim to cultivate at ECC and how we strive to be a church centered on the word of the risen Lord Jesus, transformed […]

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The Gospel and Church Order (Matthew 28:18-20)

Since 2014, our church has experienced a significant amount of change. Seven years ago, in faith, we began a revitalization effort in order to apply biblical priorities to our life and ministry. But why did we do all this? Was it just so our church looks good on paper, or so that we fit in […]

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One of the questions that comes to mind when reading the final section of Acts is: “Why does Luke take so much time to get Paul to Rome?” Yet while we may not know every reason why certain passages are included in Scripture, we can know many of them. Knowing that the Bible is all […]

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The Reason for the Hope, part 2 (Acts 25-26)

In Acts 25-26, the story of Paul as witness on trial for the gospel comes to an epic conclusion before he reaches Rome. Everything has been building up to this moment where, in the providence of God, he gives the reason for his hope before the rulers of all Judea. Paul bears witness that King […]

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The Reason for the Hope, part 1 (Acts 24:1-27)

When Paul stood before the high priest and the Jewish council, he said: “It is with respect to the hope and the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial” (Acts 23:6). Over and over, Paul makes this same assertion in his defense speeches in Acts. But why did he understand his all his […]

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In the last major section of the book of Acts, from chapters 21-28, Luke devotes a significant amount of space to the imprisonment, court appearances, and defense speeches of the Apostle Paul. Why? Because Scripture is not only concerned with showing us Paul as missionary, church planter, and encourager of the saints, but also as […]

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Jew, Gentile, or New Creation? (Acts 21:17-26)

One of the greatest difficulties that the early church faced was the sharp division that existed between Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles). When we read our Bibles, it’s often hard for us to grasp just how serious this separation was. We certainly know what division looks like and estrangement feels like, however; just consider the year […]

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The church is described throughout Scripture with several images, such as the family of God, the body of Christ, and the temple of the Spirit. As Paul bids farewell to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20, he uses another familiar picture of the people of the triune God: we are his flock, “the sheep of […]

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