In the last major section of the book of Acts, from chapters 21-28, Luke devotes a significant amount of space to the imprisonment, court appearances, and defense speeches of the Apostle Paul. Why? Because Scripture is not only concerned with showing us Paul as missionary, church planter, and encourager of the saints, but also as […]

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Jew, Gentile, or New Creation? (Acts 21:17-26)

One of the greatest difficulties that the early church faced was the sharp division that existed between Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles). When we read our Bibles, it’s often hard for us to grasp just how serious this separation was. We certainly know what division looks like and estrangement feels like, however; just consider the year […]

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The church is described throughout Scripture with several images, such as the family of God, the body of Christ, and the temple of the Spirit. As Paul bids farewell to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20, he uses another familiar picture of the people of the triune God: we are his flock, “the sheep of […]

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Luke’s account of the Acts of the risen Lord Jesus reveals much about the nature of church. Here, we discover how the church is to be joyfully devoted to doctrine, fellowship, and prayer; that it is a miraculous community confirming the truth of the gospel; and how it is built only by King Jesus through […]

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Encouragement for a Weary Church (Acts 20:1-12)

The book of Acts is not just the story of how the risen Lord Jesus built and established his church, but also how he continued to build up and strengthen his church through his Word of grace. We see this especially in Paul’s ministry of encouragement as be would revisit the churches he had planted […]

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A City Impacted by the Gospel (Acts 19:21-41)

In America today, the temptation is to think that if we can just get the right candidate elected, the right justices appointed, and prayer back in school, then we would be “one nation under God.” But how is the church to make a difference in the world for God’s glory? What do we find in […]

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“There Is Another King—Jesus” (Acts 17:1-15)

Christians are those who believe that Jesus is the risen King. He was enthroned on a cross through the suffering of death yet was raised in victory three days later. Now, exalted as Lord and Savior, he grants forgiveness and eternal life to all who call on his name in faith; by grace, he welcomes […]

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The Lord Jesus Reigns at Philippi (Acts 16:11-40)

The kingdom of God, under the saving rule of Jesus Christ, is the reality to which all history is headed—a new heaven and earth, and a redeemed humanity experiencing the blessing of fellowship with God and one another forever. But this kingdom is also a present reality. The saving rule of Jesus is experienced today […]

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Problems and Providence (Acts 15:36-16:10)

Whether in the church, in ministry, or in everyday life, we seem to always encounter problem after problem. We’re often left wondering what God could possibly be doing in all our difficulties and trials. The early church wasn’t without its share of problems either, yet Luke recorded them under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit […]

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