Since chapter 9, Paul has been considering the unbelief of Israel and their rejection of the Gospel. As Paul concludes his second survey of this question in chapter 10, he gives two possible explanations for why Israel hasn’t called on the name of the Lord before providing us with the answer. By the end of […]
In our sermon series through Romans, we have been learning about our new life in the Spirit made possible by the gospel of Jesus Christ. While the rest of the NT has much to say about our lives as citizens in the kingdom of heaven, the book of Proverbs is an excellent place to see […]
One of the places in Scripture where the Holy Spirit’s work is seen most clearly is in Romans 8. In fact, 20 of the 30 mentions of the Spirit in Romans occur in this chapter alone. And this brings us to vv. 26-27, which are a beautiful summary of the Spirit’s work in our lives […]
In this sermon, pastor Mitch shows us those who are justified by faith can rejoice in their sufferings because their sufferings are never wasted, and they because they have the guarantee of God’s love.
After describing our need for justification and the way of justification in chapters 1-4, Paul now, begins to explore the results, or implications, of justification in chapters 5-8. These chapters are all about living in the light of what God has already accomplished for us in Christ while we wait for the consummation of his […]
When we face the inevitable suffering that the righteous will face (Ps. 34:19), when sorrows like sea billows roll, when it seems like all we know is the frowning and bitter providence of God, how should we respond? In this sermon, pastor Mitch looks at the responses of Naomi and Ruth to the devastating crisis […]
In this sermon, pastor Mitch highlights three things that the self-righteous have in common with the rest of sinful humanity and how there there is no class of sinners that excludes us or puts us beyond the mercy of God.
After two years, we have concluded our study through the book of Acts, the second part of Luke’s two-volume account of the gospel of Jesus Christ and its impact in the world. Our goal throughout this sermon series has been to keep the spotlight where it needs to be: on our sovereign, faithful, and gracious […]
All of Scripture testifies to the fact that behind every circumstance—behind every action and even the smallest of our daily activities—our God is working to unite all things in Jesus Christ, all for the good of his people and the glory of his holy name. This is the doctrine of providence, a work of love […]