In this Palm Sunday message, Pastor Matt reminds us, from Romans 5:1-5, why exactly Jesus was entering Jerusalem, what he came to do, what he accomplished, and the hope we currently enjoy because of his death and resurrection. Note: This sermon was delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic, when our Lord’s Day worship services were streamed […]

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75th Anniversary Celebration Service

Over the years, ever since our church’s first worship service held on August 18, 1944, God has shown himself faithful to the assembly of his saints gathered here at ECC.  He has continued to lead his children along every step of the way by his sovereign grace. And as we look towards the future, our […]

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The greater the authority rebelled against, the greater the punishment. To strike your brother is one thing, but to strike a police officer is another. But consider the consequences of rebelling against the Creator of heaven and earth, the infinitely holy and terribly just God. Every sin we commit is a direct assault on his […]

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A Home That Remembers the Lord (Ps. 78:1-8)

Psalm 78 demonstrates that, from Moses to David, Israel repeatedly failed to believe God. Despite his abundant mercy and grace, they failed to trust his saving power, to keep the covenant, and to obey his law. And one of the fundamental causes behind Israel’s constant sin and rebellion was that they forgot the Lord their […]

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As Christians, we often (and rightly so) focus our attention on the cross of Christ and his atoning death on our behalf. In fact, the cross has even become a symbol for Christianity worldwide. But the gospel is not simply that Jesus died for our sins and was buried, but also “that he was raised […]

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Obedience unto Death (Phil. 2:8)

All throughout the Old Testament, we read of the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. We also repeatedly see the failures of God’s people to uphold the law, maintain covenant faithfulness, and walk in obedience to their God. To answer the Psalmist, no one could ever ascend or dwell upon the hill of […]

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Here at ECC, we are committed to connecting our community to Christ. While we certainly do this as individuals by preaching the gospel and loving our neighbors, making disciples of all nations is to happen through, and in the context of, the local church! Jesus said that he would build his church—a church of those who not […]

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Experiencing Life Together (Acts 2:42-47)

This is the first sermon in a three-week series on the mission of ECC. Disciples of Jesus are made when the members of the church, the body of Christ, experience life centered on God’s Word together.  In Acts, we see the early church experiencing life together as “they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and […]

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What is the Church?

What is the church? A typical, modern-day conception of the church is that it is a building where you go to hear preaching and singing once a week (or at least on Christmas and Easter).  But the question is a bit misleading. The church is not so much a what but a who. According to Scripture, the […]

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