What Acts Teaches Us About Evangelism
The speeches in the book of Acts are representative of the early church’s gospel witness and serve as a pattern for our evangelism today.
3 Ways Pastors Must Shepherd the Flock of God
The Apostle Peter gives us three ways pastors must follow Christ's own example as they shepherd the flock of God among them.
Is He Worthy? A Song for Resurrection Sunday
"Is He Worthy?" by Andrew Peterson is a wonderful song based on Revelation 5 celebrating the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Book of Revelation: An Introduction
Join us Sundays at 9:30am in our Line by Line class as we work through the important, yet often neglected book of Revelation.
Read the Bible as the Author Intended
The Bible must not be read simply as a collection of separate stories and sayings, but ultimately as one book, by one Author, telling one story.
Rahab, Achan, and the True Israel of God
The contrasting stories of Rahab and Achan illustrate that only those of faith are counted as offspring of Abraham, as the true Israel of God.
“The Name Above Every Name”: A Sermon by Alexander Maclaren
Alexander Maclaren's sermon on the name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the different aspects each name proclaims of his person and work.
The Lord and Giver of Life: How the Holy Spirit Works
In his book, "Rediscovering the Holy Spirit," Michael Horton shows how the Spirit is God's perfecting presence in creation, redemption, and everyday life
Reading the Old Testament with New Eyes
Reading the Old Testament through new eyes, with humility and patience, will give us a richer understanding and deeper appreciation of God's word.