Echoes of Exodus in the Gospel of John
There are many echoes of the exodus throughout Scripture. But the gospel of John brings the exodus theme to a crescendo in the person and work of Jesus.
The Thessalonians: Messengers and Models of the Gospel
The Thessalonians provide us with a picture of what gospel fruit looks like in a local church—the fruit for which churches today should be known.
‘Baptist’ Is Not a Swear Word
The problem with misconceptions and stereotypes of the word 'Baptist' is that they all fall miserably short of defining what a Baptist church is.
The Burdens of Social Media
Social media in our distracted age can heap burdens on us that we were never meant to bear and can keep us from the burdens we ought to bear.
Does Your Church Assume the Gospel?
Churches that assume the gospel offer a palatable, inoffensive, and powerless message and ultimately fail to carry out the Great Commission.
A Catechism for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Catechisms are an effective way for parents to do their part in teaching their children the basic truths about God and his gospel.
Seeing God’s Glory Through Reading
In the simple, ordinary, and natural act of reading the Bible God supernaturally works to give us eyes to behold His glory.
Jerusalem and the Sin of Presumption
The city of Jerusalem features prominently in Luke's gospel and serves as a warning against the subtle but serious sin of presumption.
Your Testimony is not the Gospel
Our testimony can often replace actually sharing the gospel. But sharing your testimony, in and of itself, doesn't necessarily constitute evangelism.