Called by God’s Grace (Gal 1:11-17)

As Paul moves into a defense of his gospel against the criticisms of his opponents, he gives a brief autobiography detailing the events surrounding his conversion. He explains that though he formerly “was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent” of Christianity, he nevertheless “received mercy” – being transformed into one of the most remarkable evangelists of all […]

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God’s Truth Abideth Still

“Where is God in all of this?” This question is often asked in the face of devastating trials, intense persecution, and horrible calamities. Even as believers we can sometimes be tempted to believe that God is distant, unconcerned, or even helpless when disaster strikes. In Acts 12 we see the early church facing such difficulties […]

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The Rich Young Ruler

The story of the young man who approaches Jesus in Mark 10:17-26 is a familiar passage of Scripture with a message just as profound today as it was 2000 years ago. Though we may be successful in every possible way – economically, socially, morally, religiously, intellectually – the question still remains: do we count all gain […]

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From Mourning to Dancing

In Zechariah 12:10-13:1, God declares: “I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over […]

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The True and Better Joshua

As the Lord had graciously promised through the prophets, God’s people had finally returned from exile. Under the direction of Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the high priest, they had laid the foundation of the temple and had even begun offering sacrifices again. However, the prophet Zechariah is shown a shocking vision of the true […]

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A New Heart and a New Spirit

In addition to the promise of a future and a hope for the people of God, we have been seeing promises of a new heart and a new spirit that will be given to them as well. God himself clarifies exactly what this would ultimately entail: “I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and […]

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A Future and a Hope

Jeremiah 29:10-14 is a beautiful passage of promise, restoration, provision, and hope that was originally delivered to the Jewish community in Babylonian exile. However, it is often the case that Christians take these kinds of Old Testament passages and attempt to claim them as promises made directly to us instead. But are these promises to be treated […]

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The Heart of the Matter

The northern kingdom of Israel experienced the judgment of God for their idolatry and was destroyed. Jeremiah now prophecies to the southern kingdom of Judah, proclaiming that God’s judgment would likewise fall upon them for their similar sin of idolatry, their failure to worship God as he deserved, and rejection of his laws. But what has […]

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Jonah, the Older Brother

The conclusion to the book of Jonah presents us with two responses to the grace. On the one hand, Nineveh, a pagan Gentile city, turns to God in repentance upon hearing of impending judgment (unlike Israel or Judah at that time, who continued doing evil in God’s sight), and God graciously spares them. Yet on the other hand, […]

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