The Gift of God’s Grace (Romans 3:21-26)

Having described the horrible and hopeless condition of humanity in Romans 1:18-3:20, Paul answers the all-important question: Since it is true that there is no one righteous, then how can anyone ever be right with God? How can anyone escape his holy wrath against sin, be liberated from the curse of the law, and delivered […]

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All of Scripture testifies to the fact that behind every circumstance—behind every action and even the smallest of our daily activities—our God is working to unite all things in Jesus Christ, all for the good of his people and the glory of his holy name. This is the doctrine of providence, a work of love […]

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The church is described throughout Scripture with several images, such as the family of God, the body of Christ, and the temple of the Spirit. As Paul bids farewell to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20, he uses another familiar picture of the people of the triune God: we are his flock, “the sheep of […]

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United by Saving Grace, part 2 (Acts 15:13-35)

In a world darkened by division and hostility, and while our nation is proving to be anything but “indivisible,” the church of the risen Lord Jesus is to be a radiant light of reconciliation, unity, and love. This is because Christians are a people united by saving grace (see Ephesians 2). However, it is all […]

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United by Saving Grace, part 1 (Acts 15:1-12)

The greatest problem we face, and the most important question anyone can ask, is this: “How can we be saved?” This is the problem that every religion attempts to solve, yet it’s a question many refuse to ask because we don’t want to accept all that it implies. The early church wrestled with this issue […]

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What is grace? Simply put, grace is unmerited favor, and the grace of God is his love for the undeserving. And Scripture is clear that all things—from our election in Christ before the world began to our enjoyment of eternal life—is all to the praise God’s glorious grace. In Acts 13:48-51, Paul concluded his message […]

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When Paul and Barnabas first came to Antioch in Pisidia, they entered the synagogue and were invited to share a word of encouragement with those in attendance. It’s here that Luke provides a summary of a typical sermon preached by the apostle Paul to Jews and God-fearers. He begins with an overview of Israel’s history, […]

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The God Who Waits (Isaiah 30-31)

When reading the OT prophets we can often wonder: “What does any of this have to do with me?” As we hear God’s Word to his wayward people faced with the choice to be faithful to him or to reject his Word, we are reminded of who we all are by nature, who God is […]

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The Grace of God in Antioch (Acts 11:19-30)

The kingdom of God has never been just about one nation but a people from every nation. The promise to Abraham was about blessing the nations. Daniel saw the kingdom of God as a mountain filling the whole world. Isaiah saw the nations streaming into that kingdom as part of God’s people. And when Jesus […]

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