The conclusion to the book of Jonah presents us with two responses to the grace. On the one hand, Nineveh, a pagan Gentile city, turns to God in repentance upon hearing of impending judgment (unlike Israel or Judah at that time, who continued doing evil in God’s sight), and God graciously spares them. Yet on the other hand, […]
David, in Psalm 11, examines affliction and suffering from two perspectives: an earthly one, which would lead him to despair, and an eternal one, resulting in a blessed assurance that the Sovereign and Righteous God is seated on his glorious throne in the heavens. Yet, Pastor Matt explains that as our perspective shifts to our eternally righteous and holy […]
God has established his covenant with Israel and now, at the end of Deuteronomy, Moses recapitulates its conditions: blessings and life for obedience, curses and death for disobedience. The command presented to Israel, to “choose life”, seems an obvious one – except the choice is an impossible one. In this sermon, Pastor Matt explains the significance of […]
As we look into Exodus 19:1-8, Israel is about to receive the Law, beginning with the Ten Commandments. Throughout the ages, these famous rules have come to shape how both believers and non-believers alike view the Christian religion (even, more importantly, God Himself) and often present a picture that is terribly skewed: we see the Law as a […]
As we begin a new series coinciding with our chronological readings from “The Daily Bible”, Pastor Dave Leandre begins by explaining the Fall of man and how, the from the very beginning of history, we have been in need of a Savior. In this message, Pastor Leandre develops what the consequences of sin are as seen […]